At the time of this writing, I’ve only been married less than 8 months. Still, I’m snatching up every resource on marriage I can, because I want a successful long-lasting one. When I heard Mark Driscoll was releasing a marriage book, I knew it would be helpful and controversial at the same time. I’ve followed Driscoll from a distance and appreciate his approach to Godly living although he can be…different in some ways. This book is a direct reflection of the Driscoll we know and love (or hate). It’s honest, brutal, transparent, and very raw. I highly recommend, especially for couples considering or already serving in full-time ministry. It may make some readers blush…but overall it’s very refreshing to see a such a gut-level approach to sex and marriage when so many other Christian authors dance lightly around real issues. Real Marriage is just that…Real. (I was given a review copy in exchange for my unbiased review by Booksneeze).



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