

Why I Prioritize Attending Church

Make the choice on Saturdays to attend church in the morning. Even if you haven’t been to one in a while, it’s worth just checking one out. My family is on the hunt for a new church due to relocating, and here’s a few reasons why we won’t succumb to the temptation to stay home on Sundays: it encourages and refreshes my soul. we calibrate our priorities when we make a local church a nonnegotiable…

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The Journey Of Selflessness

I’m learning that life is a journey of becoming less and less selfish. When you’re single, you’re totally obsessed with yourself. It’s all about you. Then you meet someone, and you have to be a little less selfish, but it’s still really about you – you just have someone else that shares your interests so for the most part you can still be fairly selfish, just with a partner. Then you have a kid. And…

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