

Learn from hard stuff

⁣⁣My dad used to say that life is about passing a series of tests, and God will let you keep retaking them until you pass. ⁣⁣years ago, I was going through a really frustrating season at my job. There was some stuff going on that was really eating at me. There wasn’t really much I could do to change the situation other than quit, and I didn’t feel led to do that at that time….

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A Failed Project

I sent out an email today to my Kickstarter backers unpacking the unsuccessful campaign I just ran. Since many of you have followed along for the ride, I thought I would share the email here as well.⁣⁣——⁣⁣⁣This is a challenging email to write on one hand, because it represents a shortcoming in one of my recent product launches. ⁣⁣On the other hand, I’m encouraged because each time we experience failure in something, it is an…

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The Holiday Hustle (It’s Not What You Think)

I️ guess one thing you do when you’re old is marvel / complain about how quickly time is going by. Since I recently turned 32 and am feeling like a full fledged adult now, I’ll take my opportunity to do that here. December already? Wow, I️ can’t believe Christmas is nearly upon us, it feels like 2019 just flew past! I️ want to take a moment and encourage everyone reading this that has a side...
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