
Biblical Insight

vote for SELF

The reason the Christian life is challenging for many of us is because we have still elected SELF to be in charge. Our American version of Christianity reinforces the idea that it’s every man for himself, that you are in charge of your own peace, that it’s a dog eat dog world, and you gotta look out for number one. Jesus preaches the exact opposite: that in order to find your life, you have to…

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Marvel Movies, Playing in the Sandbox, and Local Church

It’s no secret that I have been a big marvel fan. Let’s face it, I’m a nerd at heart and have just never fully grown up. If you follow the Marvel scene at all, you may have noticed that there is somewhat of a negative connotation in Hollywood when it comes to Marvel movies. The more artistic and poetic actors and directors have made negative comments about the type of movies that MArvel creates are…

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Spiritual Gypsies

In today’s charismatic Christian circles, there seems to be a strange trend of hopping from church to church to serve or “minister” in different places while neglecting to stay planted in one home for very long. ⁣⁣I was burdened with this for our local community today in prayer, but I know it’s a more widespread issue. In fact, years ago I was talking about this idea with the worship pastor at our prior church, Keegan…

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I Don’t Think The World Is Ending

For as long as I have been a believer, I have noticed there are many preachers who prey on weaker or more immature Christians. They play into the fears many of us have, and much like the main stream media, they use fear and paranoia to bring in listeners and build an audience. Prosperity preachers play into our fear of poverty, and promise wealth and riches if we just give enough money to God. I’m…

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5 Distinctions Between “Spiritual Consumers” & “Spiritual Contributors”

I have a few friends that cause me to wince whenever I see an incoming phone call or text message from them. We aren’t especially close or deep in our relationship – we’re friendly and cordial, but saying we’re “friends” may even be a stretch. Those friends are not contributors, they are consumers. The problem with this handful of friends is that they only call me when they need something. More than likely, if this...
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Why I Wrote “Tell It Well”

Have you ever had an idea or project laying dormant in your mind, and something suddenly happens that causes it to “click” and re-ignites the passion behind it? In spring of 2016, I had a moment like that, while sitting in a church service. A little back story: I had been working on a book for 18 months. I had begun with fierce determination to write and publish my first book before I turned thirty,...
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The Swaying Ship

On our honeymoon nearly 7 years ago, we decided to spend half our 8 days of celebrating newlywed bliss on land, and the other half on a Caribbean cruise. Neither of us had been on a cruise, but it sounded fun, and my wife only got the occasional motion sickness…so of course this was a good idea! The first night of our ocean journey began with a storm in the bay in Miami before we...
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